Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ok, so I realized how much I miss my mom when she's gone. My mom is a nurse and when it comes to medical things, I pretty much always turn to her for advice. Today I kept hitting snooze which is quite usual and then my alarm that is on my bookcase went off. I put it on my bookcase specifically so I have to get out of bed to reach it with the intent of not returning to bed. However, I remember turning it off, seeing stars, and then waking up on the floor 5 hours later. This is obviously not normal. I don't know if I passed out or not. It's been like 7 or 8 years since I last passed out I think. I've come close before, but those always had warnings. I woke up really hungry, but my blood sugar was normal. See this is the point when I call my mom and ask if I should go to the dr or not. But she's on a plane to Florida about to get on a cruise ship to celebrate 25 years of marriage. Nope, not going to spoil that. So, not quite sure what to do. Ignore it or go to the doc?

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